When is the best time to go on holiday to Brazil? The answer will surprise you!


  • Seasons: Understand the different seasons to choose the best time.
  • Climate: Evaluate the climatic conditions according to the regions.
  • Local events: Enjoy cultural festivals during vacation periods.
  • Price: Analysis of prices in high and low season.
  • Practical advice: Tips for planning a memorable stay.
  • Choice of destinations: The best cities to visit according to the month.

THE Brazil, this country with a thousand facets, attracts millions of travelers every year in search of adventure, culture and breathtaking landscapes. But did you know that the ideal time to discover this incredible destination can surprise even the most experienced globetrotters? Between sunny beaches, colorful festivals and lush nature, each season has its unique attractions. Find out with us when to go for an unforgettable experience in the heart of this fascinating country!

Go on vacation to Brazil is a dream for many of us, but choosing the right time to go can seem complicated. If you think that the peak summer season is the only right time, think again! The answer may surprise you. Let’s find out together when to visit this country with a thousand facets, while considering the practical aspects and cultural events that will make your stay unforgettable.

The seasons in Brazil: a varied climate

THE Brazil is a large country, and its climate varies greatly from region to region. The dry season in the South (June to September) is ideal for enjoying nature and beaches. On the other hand, the rainy season in the North, which extends from May to July, can make certain outdoor activities less pleasant. Therefore, for a successful trip, it is crucial to take these climatic variations into account.

Carnival: an unforgettable moment

If you are looking for a unique experience, then the carnival is arguably the best time to visit Brazil. This celebration, which usually takes place in February, attracts millions of visitors across the country. Cities like Rio de Janeiro and Salvador de Bahia come alive with colorful parades, music, and a festive atmosphere that permeates every street corner. However, keep in mind that prices increase during this period, and it is wise to book your accommodation well in advance.

Another treasure: May and September

The months of May and September are often overlooked by tourists. However, they are ideal times to discover Brazil in a different light. The climate is generally mild, and you will enjoy more attractive prices on accommodation and flights. Away from the hustle and bustle of Carnival, you will have the opportunity to explore the country’s natural wonders, from the paradisiacal beaches of Florianopolis to the waterfalls ofIguaçu.

Avoiding the high season: a wise choice

If you like peace and quiet, avoiding the high summer season (December to February) can be a great option. At this time, the beaches are often crowded, and prices are at their peak. By choosing to go between March and May, you will be able to enjoy splendid weather without the crowds, while enjoying local activities in complete serenity. You will be able to savor Brazilian gastronomy, while soaking up the hospitality of its inhabitants.

Cultural festivals: an authentic immersion

In addition to the carnival, Brazil is also rich in cultural festivals throughout the year. For example, the São Joãofestival, in June, celebrates the traditions of the Northeast with dances, music and typical dishes. Participating in these events will allow you to experience an authentic immersion in Brazilian culture while avoiding tourist traps.

In summary: a personal choice

The best time to go on vacation Brazil depends on your personal preferences, what you want to experience and what activities you want to do. Whether for the carnival, the calm of may And september, or to enjoy cultural festivals, this country is waiting for you! Take the time to think about your desires and your budget, and set out to discover the multiple facets of the Brazil which will make you dream.

The Best Time to Go on Vacation to Brazil

Period Comment
December to March High season, particularly around New Year and Carnival.
April to June Pleasant weather, fewer tourists. Ideal for exploring.
July to August School holidays in Europe, influx of tourists, especially in Rio.
September to November Dry and warm climate, ideal for beaches and hiking.
October to November Festival period, festive atmosphere in several cities.
  • Dry season: May to October, ideal to avoid rain.
  • Pleasant temperatures: Average of 25°C during the Brazilian winter (June to August).
  • Local events: Attend the Carnival in February/March for an unforgettable experience.
  • Fewer tourists: Travel in September and October for a quieter atmosphere.
  • Beaches in December: Enjoy the beaches in the middle of the Brazilian summer season.
  • Fauna and flora: Animal observation in October, optimal time for ecotourism.
  • Rural culture: Discover the end-of-year celebrations in December for a cultural immersion.
  • Reduced cost: Given the low season, traveling between March and May can be more economical.
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